Sunsynk Limited

Sunsynk Limited

Unit 17 & 20, Turnstone Business Park, Cheshire, Widnes, WA8 0WN
Click to show company phone
英国 英国



Established over 20 years ago, Sunsynk has solidified its position as a prolific brand, specialising in cutting-edge solar storage solutions. At Sunsynk, we offer a diverse range of products, with our inverters and battery storage systems designed to cater to the specific needs of clients seeking both off-grid and on-grid solutions. We are renowned as global leaders in power storage and management, we are constantly setting new benchmarks in this industry. Sunsynk® solar range is a culmination of years of research and development. Alongside our Data Logger application, Sunsynk Connect which is taking the world by storm and shaping a cleaner future, one sustainable step at a time.


零 部 件 类 型
电 池 技 术:
逆变器 102 销售商, 储能系统 50 销售商



  • SUNSYNK 30-50K...
    25 ~ 55 kW 混合
  • SUNSYNK 8-12K ...
    8.8 ~ 13.2 kW 并网,离网,混合
  • SUNSYNK 3.6-5K...
    3.96 ~ 5.5 kW 并网,离网,混合
    8.8 kW 并网,离网,混合
  • SUNSYNK 10-12K...
    11 ~ 13.2 kW 并网,离网,混合
    16 kW 并网,离网,混合
  • 6kW Lynks
    12 kW 并网,离网,混合


  • SUNSYNK-L5.3
  • SUN-BATT-5.32 ...
  • SUNSYNK-G5.3
  • SUNSYNK 5.3 W ...
  • SUNSYNK 10.6 W...
  • Lifelynk Series
  • ¥2,590 / kWh *
  • SUN-BATT 5.12 ...
  • SUN-BATT 10.24...
  • SUN-BATT-5.32




4Square Solar, 79 Degrees Solar, A.J. Electrical, Abela Solar, ABI Tech, ACE Solar, AdRenewables, APS, Agri Solar, AJM Solar Solutions, AllAmp, Allsolar Addo, AllSolar, Altair Energy Services, Alumo, Always Power, AM Solar, Amandla Electrical And Solar, Andre's Electrical, Andy Electrical, Anvic Energy Solutions, Approved Solar, ATSolar, AVF Energy, B Power, B.E.C Electrical, Bakgat Elektries, Bakko Solar4u, Bask, Battery Fix & Solar, Beals Power Systems, Bear Electrical, Bendigo Electrical, Besmart Solar, Bespoke Solar, Beta Power, Bidvest Renewable Solutions, Bilhen & Davis Energy, BL Solar, Blitz Electrical, Blomeyers Electrical, Blue Light Electrical, Bluesun Energy Solutions, BNM Technology, Bram Solar, BT Konsult, Calnik Solar, Cape Solace, Cape Town Solar, Caprica Solar, Carver Energy, CCSO Solar, Christie's Electrical And Solar Services, Civic, Critical Solar, Crown Technologies, Cudub Holdings, D & D Electrical, Danbez Traders, DC Smart Energies, Delsat Solar, Deo Solar, Direct Energy Solutions, Diversity Solar, Do-It-Solar, Dorman Energy, Dsolar, DW Electrical & Solar, Eagle Solar, EarthPower, Earthwire Electrical, Eclipse Alternative Energy Solutions, Eco Trades, Ecoficiency, Ecosys Solar, Eden-Energy, EDGE, Effective Solar Trading, Ekageng Solar, EL Solar Solutions, Electrical Assurance, EBS Services, Electro Africa, Electro Sol, Electronetix, Eleksol, Elite Energy Solutions, ERS, Ellies Electronics, Full Solar Systems, Energeo, Energized Solar, Energy Depot, Energy Engineering, EnergyOn, Enerlogy, Enway Power Solutions, Eon Energy, Essential Solar Systems, Evergreen Wind+Solar, Express Solar, First Energy, Flagship Solar, FM Solar, FMK Solar, Fochville Solar & Electrical, Fuesse Solar, Full Circle Solar, Fusion Solar Projects, GateWay Installations, General Solution Technologies, Generator City, Genpower, Gensmart, GFS Agrilight, Girasole, Global Electric, GLT Solar, Go Green Solar Energy, Go Green, Go2Solar, GP'S Electrical CC, Green Automation Solar, Green Energy Solutions, Green Grid, Green Leaf Alternative Solutions, Green Light City, Green Rhino Solar, Green Solar, Green Tech Energy Solutions, Green Watt Energy Solutions, IET Solar, GreenTurnkey, Grid Freedom, GridVolt Energy Solutions, Gritsol, GroDev, Grosteel Power Solutions, HC Distribution, High Cell Solar Solutions, HOG Solutions, Horizon Solar & Electrical, HPP Solutions, IC Solar, iECO Solar, Imperium Solar, InduRcom Electrical, Infini Solar, Influx Energy, InPower, Integrated IP Solutions., Interface Solar, Invert Solar, Inverters 4 All, iSolar Solutions, JUP Solutions, JC Solar Panels, JK Electrical, Kunax Solar, Kwikelec, L & L Solar Energy, Leading Edge Solar, Lee Electrical Energy, Lefe Advanced Solutions, Lighthouse Solar, Lunar Solar, Magic Solar, Mantula Solar, Marshall Solar, Max Yield Energy, Megawatt Projects, Mendaz Solar, Mercury Integrations, Metrowatt, MetSolar, Micasa, miHomeTech, Mill Electrical & Solar Solutions, Modulus Solar, MOWZA Solar, MSK Solar, MSR Solutions, Mwangaza, My Power, Nano Electrical, Netherby Solar, NEE, New Yellow Solar, New-Tech Power, NSS, NexSolar, Next Level Energy Solutions, NH Solar, NJR Solutions, Nodist Solar, Noltrix Solar, NorthFace Solar, Novalenz, NPS Solar, Nungu Solar, Ohmega, Oliross Solar, Olivia, One Energy, Ooba Solar, Orbipex Solar, Orion Solar, PACE Energy, Peregrine Energy, Perfect Energy, Point Solar, Power Phase Electrical, Power Vault Solar, Powerhour Solar & Electrical, Powerhouse Projects, Pro Electric, Protec Solar, Proximate Solar, Quantum Solar Energy, Quattro Solar Energy, RC Sol, Renegade Energy, Renu, Reviron, Revolt Automation, Revolution Electrical Solar, RMKSE Projects, RN Electricals, Rokeys Electrical, RRR-Solar, RSA Bardo Electrical Systems, RSA Solar, RSA Solar Supplier, Art Electrical, RV Solar Solutions, SA Solar, Saftronics, Schwartz Solar Energy & Maintenance, SetSolar, Shak's Solar Energy, Sigma Energy Gauteng, Sirius Energy, SixD, Skays Electrical & Solar, Smagameru Electricals, SmartConn, SMEC, Solar and Gas, Solar and Power, Solar Basix, Solar Cape Town, Solar Cluster, Solar Craft, Solar Deals, Solar DSI, Solar Earth, Solar Electrical, Solar Electrical & Plumbing, Solar Energizers, Solar Energy Architects, Solar Energy Expert, Solar Energy Experts, Solar Enervation, Solar Engineering, Solar Equipment, SFS, Solar Genie, Solar Influx, Solar MC Electromech, Solar Rais, Solar Sanctuary, Solar Shack, Solar Solutions, Solar Solutions Engineering, Solar Sonic, Solar Square, Solar Starz, Solar Supply, Solar Supply Durban, Solar System Guys, Solar Works, SolarDNA, SolarElectricWise, SolarSkye, SolarSpes, Solarvoltic, Solarway Suppliers, SolSpec, SomeWatt Solar, Sona Solar, Sonop Solar, SCP Solar, Spectral Solar, SR Electrical, SSS Solutions, Starpower, Straton Electrical, STS, Sun Savings, Sun Smart Solar, Sunflex Energy, Sunny Sky Solar, Sunrun Solar, Suntech Solar, Sussco Energy, Sustain Solar, SESSA, SVCS Solar-SA, Swazi Solar Projects, Synergy Energy Solutions, TBV Solar, TC Electrical & Solar Solutions, TENS Electrical & Solar, The Energy Gurus, Solar Backup, TRRC, The Sól Energy, The Solar Agency, The Solar Experts, The Solar Guys, Think Solar, Thorne Solar Installations, TECI, Tika Solar, Timone Electrical, Total Electric, Treetops, TREC, TS Elektra, Two Cousins Solar, UGotPower, URB Solar, Urban Eden Energy, Vasrotech, Versofy, Virgo Solar, Vital PV, VM Refrigeration, Volted Electrical and Solar, Volton Solar, Wade Walker, Waterberg Solar, Wattron Solar, Wholesale Solar, Winelands Solar, Work Smart Electrical, World Solar Energy, E Power, X Solar, X4M Solutions, ZenSolar, ZPE, Zoe Electrical And Solar, ZT Electrical
1CDM, AEC Solar, Solaris World, Alectrona, All Seasons Energy, Alps Electrical, AME Installations, Apex Energy, APG Domestic Services, Arctic Improvements, Armstrong Electrical, Artimus, Assembly Renewables, BOXT, Bright House Solar, BrightEdge Solar, Britek Solar, BTM Solutions, Carbon Fifty, Cardinal Energy, Clean Switch Solar, Clear Sky Energy, Complete Electrical, Connect Contractors, Contact Solar, Cooke & Charman, Countywide Electrical, CRG Direct, Croft Electrical & Solar, Cumbria Solar Supplies, D.P. Electrical, DAM Electrical, Das EFX Electrical, Delmar Solar, DeltaWatt, DES Renewable Energy, Devon Electrical Contractors, DJM Electrical, DL Electrical Contractors, DomElec, Dorset Solar, Plan Solar, Eco Power Systems, Electrical Energy, Electrical Exchange, Electrix Renewable, Elementum, Energy Saving Squad, Enerton, Solar-Techs, ESE Solar, Eternal Energy, Eve Renewables, Evolution Electrical - Dorset Solar Installations, FCR Electrical & Mechanical, Generate Energy, Glide Energy, Glow Electric Heat, Green and Heritage Roofing, Green Central, Green Light Electrical, GL, Green Planet Renewables, GRW Solar, HDM Solar, Hyndburn Energy, Ipsum Renewables, J.H Electrical and Solar, J.L.B Electrical, Jr Electrical, Kernow Solar, Key Solar, Lakes Solar, Lincs Solar Solutions, Lipame, M+S Renewables, M. Bennett Electrical, Microgen Energy, Morter Electrical, MS Electrical & Renewables, My Green Electricity, NSM, Nimbus Solar, NJ Solar, Nordri, Off-Grid North West, On Point Electrical, Optimum Electrics, Pavey Electricals, PET, Prime Energy Solutions, Protecting Home Energy, Purelec Energy, R Smith Electrical & Mechanical, RAL Energy, Redwood Renewables, Refresh Property Solutions, Renewable UK Solutions, Renewafuel, Renewagen, RG Electrical Services, Rolland Turner Renewables, RJC Renewables, RPD Electrical, S&B Electrical, Save Energy World, Save Energy World, SCA Solar, Severn Sparks, Sheffield Renewable, Shine Solar, Simplicity Solar, Snug Energy, Solar 365, Solar Energy Group, Solar Partner, Solar Plus Yorkshire, Solar Prospects, Solar PV Tech, Solar Services Scotland, Solar Sparks, Solar Sparky Electrical, Solar specialists Scotland, Solarus Energy, Solec Generation, Solidarity Solar, Solum GB, Sopoco Solar, SGE, Spot On Electrical, Stellar Energy, Sun Smart UK, Sunrise Energy Solutions UK, SES, System Solar, TCA Solar, Renergie Co, Trent VC, Wallop Energy, Wave Renewables, West Yorkshire Electrical, Wired-Right Electrical


+34 822 112 079
Tafetana, 32 P.I. Las Andoriñas 38639 Las Chafiras Santa Cruz de Tenerife
+27 10 100 3589
80 Highview Blvd, Ferndale, Randburg, 2160, South Africa
+852 3704 4979
Units 702-704, 7/F Texwood Plaza, 6 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
+31 40 798 7136
Henri Wijnmalenweg 8, 5657 EP Eindhoven, Netherlands


We use SunSynk Inverters and Batteries for all our low-voltage solutions for both residential and commercial projects.

-- Gavin Thompson, First Energy Solutions

2025年1月7日 更新以上信息