
发布于 2015年9月30日

SunEdison Nextracker
Today NEXTrackerTM announced it has completed a 110MW DC shipment of its Self-Powered Tracker (SPT) to SunEdison's Quilapilún power plant in the Santiago metropolitan region of Chile. The energy produced by the plant will supply the Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) transmission system through a long-term power purchase agreement.

"NEXTracker and SunEdison have forged a highly effective collaboration that reinforces our position as a renewable energy development and technology leader in Latin America," said Carlos Barrera, SunEdison vice president for Latin America. "NEXTracker's energy yield and installation savings help us deliver clean energy at lower prices. Additionally, NEXTracker's design expertise and installation support services help ensure faster completion of projects like the Quilapilún power plant."

"SunEdison is a visionary clean energy company that deploys gigawatts of renewable power projects around the world," noted Dan Shugar, NEXTracker CEO. "The collaboration between our companies is promising and we are proud to be a key partner for another Latin American project. Quilapilún represents a marvelous opportunity for NEXTracker to further demonstrate its industry-leading expertise in maximizing solar power plant capacity and performance."

The Quilapilún solar plant is expected to generate 242GWh of electricity a year, enough to power 117,000 homes. It's anticipated that it will eliminate the emission of more than 125,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, the equivalent of removing 28,000 cars from Chilean roads.

来源: NEXTracker

