AEG Power Solutions助力CMI Energy比利时2兆瓦光伏储能项目

发布于 2019年3月12日

AEG Power Solutions is supplying power conversion system (Convert SC Flex and transformer) to CMI Energy for its MiRIS project.

MiRIS is a photovoltaic plant combined with energy storage. The installation consists in 6,500 solar panels, (with a peak production capacity of 2MW), combined with battery energy storage systems using different technologies, namely two types of flow batteries, one type of Lithium-Ion battery and NaS battery to give, when all the equipments will be in operation, a total of 5.4MWh. The Energy Management System which monitors the facility was developed by ULiège in collaboration with CMI. The energy produced will be used for the electricity consumption of the headquarters of CMI, or fed into the distribution network in a controlled manner thanks to the intelligent system developed in collaboration with the University of Liège.

The project is set up in Seraing, Belgium, at the headquarters of CMI Energy and has been inaugurated in October 2018. CMI Energy will use this system as a test bench of typical use cases (electricity self-consumption, solar photovoltaic time shift and resale of the exceeding electricity, as well as primary reserve, voltage stability, etc.) in different configurations (off and on-grid) and comparing the storage technologies. Intelligence collected through the tests will give an in-depth understanding of how the different types of battery perform depending on production and usage profiles and ultimately will support the improvement of integrated electricity production/storage/management systems.

"MiRIS is a very innovative project and a great field of live experimentation for energy storage, explains Andreas Becker, Product Manager at AEG Power Solutions. We are very excited to be selected as a partner and are looking forward to the first results and all we can learn from this pilot plant."

