Broadway Renewable Strategies完成波士顿大型屋顶光伏项目

发布于 2012年8月27日

深圳中电长城能源有限公司 Broadway Renewable Strategies

Broadway Renewable Strategies, along with the City of Boston and Cargo Ventures/ Millennium Partners, today hosted a ceremony on Drydock Avenue to commemorate the completion of one of the City of Boston's largest rooftop Solar PV projects to date. The 568.7 kilowatts (kW) system was installed on the City's biggest building by volume, located at 21, 23 and 25 Drydock Avenue in the Innovation District.

The event was held in one of the city's many outdoor spaces and featured commentary from Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, BRA Director Peter Meade, and Broadway Renewable Strategies President Jonathan Wienslaw on the success of the project, the future of renewable energy in Boston, and the leadership role of the organizations.

"I encourage everyone to join the clean energy revolution in Boston," said Mayor Thomas M. Menino. "Solar power is now more affordable than ever in the City. It's being installed on residences, businesses, and municipal buildings at an increasing rate, and we are on the way to meeting our 2015 goal of 25 megawatts of solar energy in Boston."

Broadway Renewable Strategies, Cargo Venture/Millennium Partners, The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) and Satcon collaborated on the 568.7kW project as part of Mayor Menino's Innovation District Solar Challenge. In addition, this project adds to the Mayor's Solar Boston Initiative which aims to increase solar energy system capacity in Boston to 25MW by 2015.

"This project would not have been possible without the City of Boston and Mayor Menino's proven commitment and dedication to pursuing energy-saving initiatives, which is helping to create jobs and strengthen the economy by hiring local firms, like Broadway Renewable Strategies," said Jonathan Wienslaw, President, Broadway Renewable Strategies. "We are extremely proud of the project's outcomes and the collaboration the partnerships represent for the City of Boston."

The project, which was installed under a power purchase agreement (PPA) between Broadway Renewable Strategies and Cargo Ventures, received the Commonwealth Solar Stimulus Award in the amount of $471,780 from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, with no upfront capital investment required. Broadway Renewable Strategies was selected as the developer, Broadway Electrical Co., Inc. as the contractor, and Satcon was selected by Broadway to provide the inverters.


来源: ENF

