Scatec Solar拟在埃及开发建设光伏电站

发布于 2015年10月28日

While the Egyptian authorities engage in finalizing contract documents related to the Renewable Energy program, Scatec Solar has launched a series of activities on the ground to contribute to the timely construction.

Scatec Solar (SSO) has begun engineering and procurement related activities in Benban and Zafarana, the two solar sites located in interior Egypt. "Topography" and "Geotechnical" studies have already been completed, work has commenced on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and weather stations are being installed at the two sites to measure solar irradiation, heat and soiling losses that will impact the future efficiency of the solar projects. 

"Our international experience has taught us the importance of detailed pre-planning for execution of projects so that we can quickly deliver much-needed electricity, once the authorities have issued all the agreements and permits," said Raymond Carlsen, CEO of Scatec Solar. 

In order to fulfill Egypt's solar plans, Dr. Mohamed El Sobki, Chairman of Egypt's New and Renewable Energy Authority (NERA) said the government will "adopt new polices and issue the required legislation to attract international participation and investment". He was speaking in an exclusive interview to Advanced Conferences and Meetings ahead of its major conference in Cairo on “Implementing strategies to finance, construct and operate solar plants in Egypt.” Government officials and key private sector players will participate in the conference, which is part of the push to operationalize Egypt's pioneering solar energy program. "Our plan to invest more than USD 600 Million in Egypt's solar energy program over the next two years will be a significant boost to Egypt's economy," said Terje Osmundsen, Scatec Solar's Senior Vice President for Business Development, who is speaking at the conference.

Scatec Solar (SSO) has signed agreements to participate in five projects totaling 250MW (AC) under Egypt's new FiT photovoltaic program.  The company has initiated the process to raise project finance from banks, though fund commitments rest on the authorities issuing bankable contractual documents and required permits.

To support its activities in Egypt, Scatec Solar has decided to establish a regional headquarter located in Cairo's Nile City Tower. "The first big PV development in Egypt is a great opportunity for the country and for SSO. We will deliver on our commitments in the timeline and frameworks set by our stakeholders," said Pål Helsing, head of SSO's Egypt operations. SSO has appointed Fedicom Trading and Engineering LLC to be its local development partner.

"All our stakeholders - the local authorities, consumers, banks and investors - want solar plants to perform successfully to deliver electricity and revenue for 20 years. Solid engineering and construction design is vital to ensure that. We share our experiences and lessons learnt in setting up solar plants so that our strategic partners, sub contractors and suppliers in Egypt can acquire capability to build PV plants and be part of this journey" said Carlsen.

