IBC Solar完成建设土耳其1兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2015年12月3日

IBC Solar
IBC Solar Turkey has completed a photovoltaic power plant with a nominal output of 1,114MW in the province of Kayseri for FIT Enerji Yatirimlari AS. The open space project was jointly developed by both companies.

The power plant, which spans two hectares, was completed in just a few weeks in the late summer of 2015. IBC Solar Turkey took on all planning and procurement tasks as an EPC contractor and was also responsible for the construction of the plant. A total of 4,400 polycrystalline IBC PolySol CS Value-Added Modules, each with a nominal output of 260w, and 17 string inverters each with 60kW of SMA were assembled. The substructure was delivered by Schletter. IBC Solar Turkey will also be responsible for the maintenance, servicing and monitoring of the Solar power plant in future.

"We are proud to have completed this first Solar power plant together with IBC Solar Turkey and are excited to be putting further joint projects into operation in the coming year," says Yiğit Ural, CEO of FIT Enerji Yatirimlari AS. "With IBC Solar, we are relying on a partner with more than 30 years international experience in the construction of Solar power plants. We are setting new standards as far as the performance and efficiency of Solar power plants is concerned as we deliver quality and reliability in planning, components and design. The project will promote awareness of the commercial and environmental benefits of using Solar technology in the emerging Turkish photovoltaic market," Ural firmly believes.

"We are convinced that the way has been paved for Turkey to become the next important growth market for photovoltaics in Europe," says Hakan Daltaban, General Manager of IBC Solar Turkey. "IBC Solar Turkey is ideally positioned to satisfy the growing demand for clean, renewable energy and also to meet the profitability expectations of investors." IBC Solar Turkey currently has a pipeline of approx. 50MW and plans to create projects totalling 100MW in Turkey in the next two years.

来源: IBC Solar

