Borrego Solar Systems完成建设马萨诸塞州6兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2016年2月17日

Cleanleaf Energy
Borrego Solar announced the completion of solar brownfield facility under the Massachusetts SREC II solar energy incentive program. Developed by Borrego, Syncarpha Capital and Renewable Energy Massachusetts (REM), the 6MW solar PV array is up and producing clean, renewable electricity on the site of the former Palmer Metropolitan Airfield.

Installing solar PV on brownfield sites can make a significant addition to the value and benefits derived from remediation efforts.

"Not only will multiple public sector entities benefit financially and directly from this project, but, in addition, underutilized remediated brownfield land will now be used to provide positive environmental impact. Syncarpha and our development team partners are proud to a part of this endeavor."

Borrego Solar built the array, negotiated and finalized off-taker agreements with the Town of Leicester and the Town of Spencer. "This project is an economic and environmental success for so many parties: it benefits the airfield site owners, the Town of Palmer, the three energy off-takers, the project development partners, and the local contractors who built it," Borrego Solar project developer Zak Farkes stated.

"The economic impact alone is impressive, but also consider the fact that this project will offset more than 4,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, and supply enough clean electricity for roughly 1,000 homes. It's clear that beneficial projects like the Palmer Airfield need to be replicated throughout the Commonwealth."

