EDF Energies Nouvelles完成建设以色列50兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2016年5月25日

EDF Energies Nouvelles is announcing the commissioning of the 50MW Zmorot solar photovoltaic power plant by its local subsidiary EDF EN Israël.

Located in the Negev desert, the Zmorot photovoltaic power plant benefits from optimal insolation conditions for the generation of solar energy. The Zmorot facility extends over an area of more than 60 hectares and consists of 200,000 photovoltaic panels supplied by Photowatt.

With an installed capacity of 50MW, Zmorot generates electricity to cover the annual electricity needs of around 30,000 inhabitants for 20 years. The solar power plant was built as part of the Israeli government's objective to reach a 17% share of renewables in its energy mix by 2030. 

