
发布于 2016年8月22日

Solarpack, has been awarded in the Supply Tender 2015/01 to supply 280GWh yearly, beginning in 2021, to the regulated costumers of Chile. This Supply Tender has been promoted by the CNE and by the group of electrical distributors of Chile. 

To reach this production, Solarpack, through its subsidiary Maria Elena Solar S.A, will construct the photovoltaic solar park "Granja Solar" of 120MW that is expected to enter commercial operation in 2019. 

The future solar park Granja Solar will supply clean energy to the regulated customers of Chile, that will benefit from the best price offered between the bidders, of 29.1 US$/MWh, The awarded price of 29.1 US$/MWh represents a new record, as being the lowest price awarded to a solar park in history, at a global level. The park Granja Solar, of 120MW, will be located in the region of Tarapaca and will be connected to the electrical system to supply energy to all the regulated customers of Chile. 

Pablo Burgos, CEO of Solarpack, indicated that "this tender, in addition to reaffirming the commitment of Solarpack with Chile, also demonstrates the competitiveness of Solarpack and solar energy at offering the best price among the bidding companies." Mr. Burgos also thanked the confidence demonstrated by the Chilean authorities in the company.

来源: Solarpack

