
发布于 2016年11月1日

Masdar has completed a key step in the development of the solar power plant in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA) for a 200MW photovoltaic (PV) plant was signed today by Mohamed Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, and Abdul Fattah Daradkeh, Chief Executive Officer of National Electric Power Company, Jordan's state electricity provider.

"Today's signing marks the forward progress of a significant investment in Jordan's energy security in line with His Majesty King Abdullah II's vision to diversify the country's energy mix and to meet future domestic power demand growth through sustainable sources," said Dr Ibrahim Saif, Energy Minister of Jordan.

"The solar power plant will raise the international profile of Jordan as a key destination for utility-scale renewable energy projects, stimulate local job creation and knowledge transfer, and further incentivise the adoption of commercial clean energy in the Middle East and North Africa," Dr Saif added.

"Today's agreement further strengthens the deep-rooted cooperation between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, and builds on the success of the region's first utility-scale wind farm that Masdar and its partners inaugurated in the Kingdom last year," said Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and Chairman of Masdar.

"Meeting the region's growing demand for power will require a diverse range of energy sources, and this solar project reinforces the role of renewable energy as an efficient and cost effective contributor to the global energy mix."

"Since Masdar's establishment a decade ago, its vision has been to advance the clean energy industry and to provide sustainable, innovative solutions to the world's growing energy needs," Dr Al Jaber added. "Today, that vision is being translated into concrete action through tangible projects in the Middle East and others around the world."

Jordan's solar power plant will be linked to Al Muwaqqar substation located approximately 10 kilometres outside Amman. Once connected to the national grid, it will supply the annual power needs of around 110,000 homes and displace an estimated 360,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year.

Commenting on the Power Purchasing Agreement, Mohamed Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, said: "Today's signing underscores the commercial viability of renewable energy and is another key milestone in the expansion of Masdar's PV portfolio in the Middle East and North Africa and international markets. This flagship project will harness Masdar's proven expertise and experience in utility-scale clean energy and pave the way towards future projects in the kingdom and elsewhere."

