Enel Green Power建成南非2座合计82.5兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2017年2月8日

Enel Green Power
Enel, through its subsidiary Enel Green Power RSA (EGP RSA), has brought the 82.5MW Adams and Pulida solar PV plants, which are located in South Africa's Northern Cape and Free State provinces, into commercial operation. 

"Enel Green Power RSA's two new solar projects were completed ahead of schedule, according to the highest levels of quality and safety and in full alignment with our commitment to the country's social and economic development," said William Price, Enel's Country Manager in South Africa. "Together with our local project partners, Enel Green Power RSA's renewable energy projects are already making a significant contribution to the country's economy, and these two new solar facilities are expected to add further value to those efforts." 

Together, Adams and Pulida will be able to generate 318GWh per year, equivalent to the annual consumption needs of around 100,000 South African households, while avoiding the emission of more than 290,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

The two solar plants are supported by a 20-year power supply agreement with Eskom.

