
发布于 2017年3月28日

Qatar Solar Technologies (QSTec) announced that it had successfully produced its first polysilicon at its 8,000 metric tonnes per annum (MTPA) manufacturing facility in Qatar.

"The first polysilicon produced from our facility in Qatar represents a major milestone for QSTec and has paved the way for a solar manufacturing base to be established within the region" said QSTec's Chairman and CEO, Dr. Khalid K. Al Hajri. "This important achievement in the history of QSTec has been made possible by the continued support of all our shareholders, stakeholders, and the dedication and commitment to the success of the project from our QSTec team. We are now moving from the construction phase towards full scale production and it's an incredibly exciting time for QSTec and the region's solar industry." 

The new facility is state of the art including a wide range of environmentally friendly technologies, next generation reactors, energy efficient cooling systems and advanced waste treatment facilities that recycle excess gasses and water for reuse in a closed loop system that reduces costs. In addition to this, QSTec's new facility has a 1.1MW solar installation that includes a ground mounted solar farm as well as rooftop and solar car parking shades and is a showcase of sustainability.

"As a global solar company, QSTec, and its shareholders, have a strong commitment to sustainability, environmental protection and to reducing greenhouse gasses and we have incorporated this into our polysilicon plant" explained Dr. Al Hajri. "We all need to play a role in protecting our environment and we want to lead by example."

"QSTec has strategic investments across the solar value chain and a network of global partners that we can leverage for further growth" said Dr Al Hajri. "We have brought together high quality technologies, advanced R&D and expertise from polysilicon to manufacturing technologies, right through to integrated module production and the construction and development of large scale turn-key solar installations. The MENA region's solar industry is forecast for high growth and QSTec is well positioned to meet this demand."

