SPG Solar为墨西哥5兆瓦光伏项目提供SunSeeker光伏跟踪器

发布于 2013年1月9日

SPG Solar

SPG Solar today announced final shipment and consultation on a 5-MW solar power project in Cerro Prieto, Mexico.

Mexico S.A. de C.V. chose SPG Solar's All-Weather SunSeeker tracker for the largest PV solar installation in Mexico, slated to go into production by year end. The Cerro Prieto project, which is owned by the state-owned electric utility company Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), deployed SPG Solar’s single-axis tracker to fulfill 60 percent — or 3MWs — of the 5-MW project.

"This is a great opportunity for SPG Solar to showcase the incredible reliability and high performance of our single-axis tracker," said Doug May, CEO of SPG Solar. "The rigorous engineering disciplines underpinning the SunSeeker tracker establish a new standard for cost-effective, high-performing solar-tracking solutions. It’s exciting to be adding such a prominent international project at this stage of our corporate growth."

The SunSeeker single axis tracker generates up to 25 percent more energy than fixed-tilt installations by directing panels to follow the trajectory of the sun through the course of the day for maximum sunlight exposure. 


来源: ENF

