天合光能为SB Energy 455兆瓦光伏项目提供组件

发布于 2017年6月12日

天合光能股份有限公司 Terras Energy
Trina Solar's PV modules have commenced operations in a 455MW DC solar power plant in Andhra Pradesh developed by SB Energy. 

The PV modules supplied for this project were TALLMAX 72-cell polycrystalline panels. The plant, commissioned on March 29, 2017, was designed and developed by SB Energy. It has the capacity to produce clean electricity for over 700,000 Indian households.

Mr Jifan Gao, Chairman and CEO of Trina Solar said: "We are proud to be the trusted partner of SB Energy for its first large-scale solar project in Andhra Pradesh. This is part of our continued effort to contribute to India's national target of 100GW of solar generation capacity by 2022. We are committed to working with SB Energy in meeting the country's energy demands through clean sources and building a green and sustainable environment."

