
发布于 2017年6月21日

Sunworks, Inc. announced a new project for a 1.1MW solar system that will be constructed at CSP Labs in Pleasant Grove, California. The system will offset more than 90% of the lab's annual electricity needs.

Sunworks Chief Executive Officer, Chuck Cargile, said "We are excited to partner with CSP Labs on this important project. The passion that the CSP team has for making a positive impact on California's agriculture community is unmatched. The solar system we have co-developed will lower CSP's total energy cost and allow them to use available resources to pursue their long-term strategic plans. Partnerships with quality organizations, such as CSP Labs, are core to the Sunworks strategy of proliferating solar systems and furthering efficient energy consumption."

By leveraging adjacent, unused land that's currently owned by CSP Labs, Sunworks will complete the construction of the ground mounted 1.1MW DC solar system later this year. The system is expected to produce 1,620,682kWh of electricity, accounting for over 90% of the lab's annual energy consumption.

The project will be supported by Sunworks' 25-year warranty as well as operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the system. Construction is expected to be completed by end of 2017.

来源: SUNworks

