Duke Energy拟在肯塔基州建设6.8兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2017年7月19日

Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions
Duke Energy will build and operate three solar power plants on sites in Kenton and Grant counties, and the energy will be delivered directly to customers.

"Our customers want solar," said Jim Henning, president of Duke Energy Ohio & Kentucky. "And solar is something we've thoroughly studied and prioritized in our long-term planning.

"Now's the right time for many reasons. For instance, the cost of building solar projects has come down significantly in recent years, making it more cost-competitive with other sources of power generation. And solar gives us the ability to add power capacity in incremental steps - allowing us to match the growing demand for electricity in the region."

Duke Energy plans to begin construction later this summer and hopes to complete the majority of construction activity by the end of 2017. Once operational, the combined projects will generate about 6.8MW.

