
发布于 2017年8月8日

Elecnor has been awarded the AUD 173 million (EUR 117.4 million) turnkey (EPC) contract for the second phase of the Bungala Solar PV project. The contract for the 137MWp Bungala Two facility follows the award to Elecnor last April of the contract for the Bungala One plant.

The complex will have a capacity of 374MWp and will be rolled out in three phases. The first two, Bungala One and Bungala Two, will each have installed power of 137MWp for a total of 275MWp. The remaining 100MWp are under development.

The plant will have over 437,000 solar panels covering around 250 hectares and generating enough power to supply 39,000 homes. It is estimated that the plant will avoid the annual emission of 198,00 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the emissions deriving from a combustion engine consuming 85 million litres of petrol. The plant is slated to come on stream in the first quarter of 2019.

Elecnor will also be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plants for five years, a contract worth AUD 17 million (approximately EUR 11.6 million).

