
发布于 2017年10月10日

ABB has partnered with ACCIONA to supply an all-in-one inverter solution for the 246MWp El Romero Solar Plant in the Chilean desert.

Commenting on the installation, ABB's Product Marketing Director for Solar in Spain, Alfredo Diez-Hochleitner, said: "The El Romero Solar Plant was a huge feat of engineering in hostile conditions, that saw ABB work closely with ACCIONA to install solar solutions that provide 100% of the data center's clean energy. We are proud of our ongoing investment in energy efficient solar technology that can operate in the most challenging environments, together with our ability to work closely with our partners to develop bespoke solutions, which has created an outstanding solar plant for the future."

Jose Ignacio Escobar, General Manager for ACCIONA Energia Chile added: "Renewable projects as ambitious as the El Romero Solar Plant contribute decisively, so that clean energy can occupy the place it deserves in a sustainable energy model for Chile and the rest of the world."

