
发布于 2017年10月11日

Enel Green Power
Enel, through a joint venture between the Group’s fully-owned renewable energy subsidiary Enel Green Power S.p.A. and Dutch Infrastructure Fund, has begun construction of the 137.7MW Bungala Solar One photovoltaic plant, which is located near Port Augusta in South Australia. The plant constitutes the first part of the Bungala Solar PV Project, whose capacity will total more than 275MW.

"We are proud to lend our experience to the development of renewables in Australia through Bungala Solar, the country's largest solar plant currently under construction," said Antonio Cammisecra, Head of Enel Green Power. "This project marks the first step of our growth strategy in a country which boasts such an abundant resource base and whose renewable capacity is expected to surge in the next years. Against this backdrop, Enel Green Power aims to become a key player in Australia's green energy sector."

The construction of the second part of the facility, Bungala Solar Two, is expected to start by the end of 2017, while the 275MW facility will be fully operational in the beginning of 2019. Once completed, the overall Bungala Solar facility will be able to generate around 570GWh per year, equivalent to the energy consumption needs of approximately 82,000 Australian households, while avoiding the emission of over 520,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

