EDF Energies Nouvelles与阿特斯在巴西建设284兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2017年11月10日

Canadian Solar Inc. and EDF Energies Nouvelles announced that the 191.5MWp Pirapora I and 92.5MWp Pirapora III solar energy projects in Brazil, totaling 284MWp, were commissioned in November 2017. 

"We are pleased to announce the commissionings of the Pirapora I and III projects, which are the first solar projects we have connected to the grid in Brazil. We see strong potential in the solar energy market in Brazil and will continue to grow our project pipeline in the country to meet the local demand for clean and affordable solar energy. EDF EN is an important partner and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership with more opportunities in Brazil and other countries." said Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Solar Inc.

Antoine Cahuzac, EDF Group's Senior Executive Vice President Renewable Energies, Chairman and CEO of EDF Energies Nouvelles, added, "These new commissionings constitute further evidence of our growth ambitions in Brazil, a key renewable energy market for the EDF Group. It represents a new step toward the EDF Group's goal of doubling its renewable capacity in France, and worldwide, by 2030 under its CAP 2030 company plan."

