TerniEnergia 2012年第四季度在希腊共安装8座光伏电站

发布于 2013年1月16日


TerniEnergia completed in the fourth quarter of 2012 the construction of 8 new industrial sized photovoltaic plants, with an installed total power of 23.1MWp. The plants, located in Greece, have been realized for important European utilities and their vehicle companies, all without the panels supply.

Therefore, the total number of photovoltaic plants built in 2012 rose to 19 with a total installed capacity of 55.8MWp (including 0.7MWp 100% owned by company). The industrial results for the fourth quarter of 2012 confirm the excellent performance of industrial operations, even in a changed macroeconomic scenario and reflect the start of the internationalization process of the EPC business in the photovoltaic sector. There was an increase of the average power of the PV plants installed (2.9MWp in 2012 compared to 1.75MWp in 2011).

The total number of plants built by TerniEnergia from the beginning of December 31, 2012 increased to 266 for a total power of 248.5MWp (9.1MWp of which are 100% owned by the company and 61.1MWp for joint venture for the activity of Power Generation). The total energy production from plants owned 100% by the company and those in Joint Venture for the activity of power generation, in the quarter, amounted to approximately 30 million kWh. For the entire year 2012 it has been estimated that the plants owned by the company and those in JV have ensured a production of about 90 million kWh. In the fourth quarter of 2012 TerniEnergia connected to the grid also biomass and waste-to energy plants in Nera Montoro (biodigester GreenAsm in joint venture with AsmTerni SpA) and Borgosesia (pyrogasification powered by virgin wood) for a total capacity of 1.5MWe and 2MWt.


来源: ENF

