Vinci Energies拟在塞内加尔建设8座光伏电站

发布于 2017年11月23日

VINCI Energies
Vinci Energies has been awarded by the Société d’Electricité du Sénégal - Senelec - a contract to build eight photovoltaic power plants with a combined capacity of 17MW in Senegal within a period of 10 months. The project represents a €26.8 million investment, financed by the German bank KFW and Senelec. Handover is scheduled in July 2018.

The new plants, made up of a total of 62,850 solar panels, will be spread over four large regions: the Saloum Islands and the Thiès region in the western part of the country and the Tambakounda and Kolda regions in the east. They will enable Senegal to supply power for very isolated sites and to diversify its energy mix. The Thiès plant will have installed capacity of 15MW. The other seven plants will have a total combined capacity of 2MW.

"We are proud to support Senegal in its drive to achieve its energy transition goals. Thanks to our teams on the spot we were able to put together the required resources and skills to build this project, which will be executed within the record 10-month timeframe," said VINCI Energies Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Yves Meignié.

