GameChange Solar为新泽西州提供13兆瓦地面支架系统

发布于 2018年1月25日

GameChange Solar
GameChange Solar announced that shipment of a 13MW Pour-In-Place™ Ballasted Ground System has commenced to a landfill site in New Jersey.

Derick Botha, Senior VP of Business Development for GameChange Solar, stated: "Solar projects on landfills are an important repurposing of otherwise valueless land which is becoming a growing trend in the United States. With the GameChange Pour-In-Place Ballasted Ground System now at such a low cost, the premium for ballasted ground versus pile driven solar mounting structures has nearly been eliminated. We are seeing a rapid growth for the GameChange Pour-In-Place Ballasted Ground System not only for landfills but also on sites where rocky ground conditions will cause pile driven systems to be more expensive to install than the GameChange Pour-In-Place Ballasted Ground System."

