
发布于 2018年6月20日

Soltec is supplying 2,776 units of its SF7 tracker equipment at an 86.2MW PV power plant in northern Colombia's Cesar department.

The SF7 trackers will mount around 250,000 solar modules to follow the sun and optimize their yield performance. The plant will generate an average of 176GWh of clean energy per year. 

"Currently, Colombia's energy generation depends enormously on hydroelectric power plants, which in drought season can be a real problem. This can be easily solved by complementing with solar energy that will also contribute to reducing electricity price," says Raúl Morales, CEO of Soltec.

"Soltec is on-track with global and regional expansion plans, and our results in Latin America are especially gratifying," adds Morales.

The Cesar PV power plant will count on wireless communications and a patented self-powering tracker solution. "This self-powering solution enables complete tracker module-fill and supplies the lowest cost operational power available onsite and independently at each tracker," informs Soltec's R&D Manager José Alfonso Teruel.

