
发布于 2018年7月13日

"For us as EPC provider with close to two gigawatt of executed projects all over the world, Australia is a promising market to further strengthen our global leading position", explains Martin Zembsch, Managing Director of Belectric Solar & Battery GmbH. "Large-scale solar has gone from an emerging technology at the beginning of the decade to a genuinely game-changing form of electricity generation in Australia: High solar irradiation and rapidly falling costs have enabled a large number of new projects. This includes two large-scale projects in New South Wales for which Belectric secured the EPC contract. With our experienced new and existing staff we are well prepared to start construction works for the first of these solar plants in the upcoming weeks."

At the beginning of this year, German based energy company innogy SE announced that under current planning Belectric, via its Australian subsidiary Belectric Australia Pty. Ltd, will take control of the construction works (EPC) and the operation and maintenance (O&M) for the two projects which have a combined capacity of more than 460MW. "Limondale", the first development project with a planned installed capacity of 347MWp, will be located at Balranald, New South Wales. The second development project at Hillston, News South Wales, has a planned capacity of 115MWp.* Belectric Australia, which is based in Malvern (Victoria), has a team of around ten employees and expects many hundreds of additional staff to be indirectly employed via its subcontractors during the construction phase of the two large scale projects and the ongoing operation and maintenance.

