Atlas Renewable Energy完成墨西哥129.5兆瓦光伏项目融资

发布于 2018年8月28日

Atlas Renewable Energy
Atlas Renewable Energy and el Banco de Comercio Exterior announced the signing of a long-term financing agreement for Atlas Renewable Energy's solar power plant in Mexico, located in the state of Hidalgo.

Bancomext will provide $88.5 million dollars to finance the construction of the project, along with a $17 million dollars line of credit for Value Added Tax. The plant will have an installed capacity of approximately 129.5MW.

Carlos Barrera, CEO of Atlas Renewable Energy, stated that "the financing of the Guajiro Solar project marks an important milestone for Atlas Renewable Energy and consolidates Mexico as one of our main markets. It also strengthens our track-record of successful renewable energy project financings throughout Latin America." He recognized Bancomext’s management of this transaction and for the positive impact it has had in accelerating investment in renewable energy projects throughout Mexico. "As we continue to grow, we will look for other opportunities to partner again with leading financial institutions such as Bancomext and government entities such as CFE," he concluded.

Camilo Serrano, general manager of Atlas Renewable Energy for Mexico, emphasized that, "this project demonstrates a collaboration of public and private interests to increase the presence of renewable energy in Mexico" and commented that they will look for more opportunities to expand Atlas Renewable Energy's footprint in Mexico.

Francisco N. González Díaz, general director of Bancomext, highlighted that, "The Guajiro Solar project positions Atlas Renewable Energy as a reliable partner for investment and infrastructure development within the Mexican energy sector." This project will generate 300 GWh annually, while helping achieve the goal of generating 35% of Mexico's energy from renewable sources by 2024. Additionally, it provides an economic stimulus for the region. He added that "this type of financing is intended to continue supporting the development of projects aligned to the Federal Government's market strategy for renewable energy."

