IBC Solar在瑞典设立办事处

发布于 2018年8月29日

IBC Solar
IBC Solar is expanding its trading activities in Sweden.

Antje Anzi, Sales Director Solutions International at IBC Solar explains: "Scandinavia has been one of the most important European markets for us for a long time. By the end of this year, we will have supplied 35 megawatts to Sweden alone. By specifically strengthening our brand awareness and enhancing our installer network, we are now taking the next logical step together with our partner Solkompaniet."

The presence of IBC Solar in Sweden is also an important signal for the emerging solar market for Axel Alm, CEO of IBC Solar AB. "Large commercial installations are no longer uncommon in Sweden. The abolition of tax on solar energy in the past year will also make generating their own electricity an attractive option for home owners and small companies. We want to use this momentum! We can turn solar energy into an important renewable and local source of energy in Sweden with IBC Solar."

