Amp与Zoma Capital达成2亿加元融资

发布于 2018年10月15日

AMP Energy
Amp Energy announced that it has closed C$200 million financing led by ZOMA Capital.

"We are very pleased to partner with ZOMA Capital to continue to drive our growing development platform," said Dave Rogers, President and CEO of Amp. "This financing validates Amp's position as a market leader, and allowsus to accelerate our strong growth trajectory. We are proud of Amp's proven track record, our world-class teamand that our success means firms like ZOMA Capital want to be a part of our future." 

"Amp's efforts to transform the energy economy align with our dedication to investing in a more efficient, responsive, and modernizedelectric grid," said Melissa Cheong, Chief Investment Officer of ZOMA Capital. "ZOMA is excited to support the team at Amp, who we believe will bring great renewables project development experience and expertise across geographies." 

