Enel Green Power动工建设巴西475兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2018年10月23日

Enel Green Power
Enel Green Power Brasil Participações Ltda. has started construction of the 475MW São Gonçalo solar park in São Gonçalo do Gurguéia, in Brazil's northeastern state of Piauí.

"The start of construction of this PV plant strengthens our leadership in the Brazilian renewable energy sector and confirms once again the importance we give to the development of solar energy in the country," said Antonio Cammisecra, Head of Enel Green Power, the Enel Group's global renewable energy business line. "São Gonçalo will further contribute to the diversification and resilience of the country's energy mix, supporting a virtuous, economic cycle through the long-term supply of sustainable energy."

