
Solaria Energia与Repsol新签50兆瓦光伏供电协议

发布于 2018年12月6日

Solaria signs a new physical power purchase agreement with Repsol for a contracted power of 50MW.

This agreement will have a seven years duration since the facilities commissioning. With this agreement, the total power contracted through PPAs between Solaria and Repsol reaches 102MW.

Enrique Díaz-Tejeiro, Solaria President: "This second agreement is completely in line with what we announced in our strategic plan. It is a pleasure for us to have Repsol at our side as a long-term client. Our excellent competitive position makes us the ideal partner for many large companies that want to offer their customers green energy at a very competitive price in Spain."

The energy fed into the grid by the PV plants included in these contracts will be 100% renewable and will reduce the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by more than 300,000 tons per year, thus helping to reach the targets of the Renewable European Directive 2009/28/EC to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The volume of these contracts is equivalent to the consumption of about 50,000 households per year.

