
发布于 2019年4月8日

Tenergie makes a new acquisition in the French solar market, with the takeover of 29 operating solar power plants representing an additional 108MW from the DIF Infrastructure III and IV funds.

Tenergie, in partnership with Crédit Agricole Pyrénées-Gascogne Energies Nouvelles, through their joint venture Terres d'Energie SAS, carries out a major external growth operation with the acquisition of 29 operating solar power plants representing a cumulative power of 108MW. These assets, composed of ground-based power stations and parking shades, are located in New Aquitaine, Occitania and the Southern Region and produce the equivalent of the electricity consumption of 27,000 households (excluding heating).

"We are very proud of the trust DIF has placed in this iconic operation with them. It is the recognition of the ability of our teams to carry out large-scale transactions in a very short time. We reaffirm our confidence in the ability of Tenergie to reach its target of 600MW in operation by the end of 2019." says Pascal Pénicaud, CEO of Tenergie.

来源: Tenergie

