Scatec Solar埃及400兆瓦电站第一部分实现商业运营

发布于 2019年4月12日

Scatec Solar and partners have grid connected and reached commercial operation for 65MW of their 400MW Benban project in Egypt. The Benban solar power plant is Scatec Solar's largest project under construction, and the Company is the largest contributor to the 1.5GW Benban site.

"We have been a pioneer in Egypt since 2013 and have worked closely with the Government to support implementation of large-scale solar to increase the country's share of renewable energy. Grid connecting our first solar power plant marks a major milestone for us. This is also our first power plant with bi-facial solar panels, capturing the sun from both sides of the panels to increase the total clean energy generation", says Raymond Carlsen, CEO of Scatec Solar. In April 2017, Scatec Solar with its partners KLP Norfund and Africa 50 signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreements with the Government of Egypt for delivery of electricity from six solar plants, equal in size, totaling 400MW. The estimated annual 870 GWh of electricity produced from Scatec Solar's plants in Benban will avoid about 350,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year and provide energy for more than 420,000 households in Egypt. Scatec Solar expects to have completed all six power plants during second half of 2019.

