EDF Renewables Mexico墨西哥119.6兆瓦投入商业运营

发布于 2019年7月8日

EDF Renewables Mexico today announced the 119.6MW Bluemex Power 1 Solar Project is fully operational and delivering electricity. Located on over 340 hectares near Empalme, Sonora, the project is comprised of photovoltaic modules supplied by Canadian Solar Inc.

Vice President and Country Manager for EDF Renewables Mexico, Gerardo Pérez Guerra, commented, "We offer our sincere thanks to the landowners, Municipal, State and Federal authorities for the long-standing support to bringing this project to operation. This project is contributing to Mexico's international commitments concerning clean energy and is also playing a relevant role by supporting several social and environmental projects in the nearby community of San Fernando and municipality of Empalme."

With an annual generation capacity of 277GWh and an investment of approximately USD $110 million, the project created 900 jobs during the construction phase, and 18 permanent operation and maintenance jobs. EDF Renewables will perform asset management, operation and maintenance, and on-site 24/7/365 dispatch and monitoring service to ensure operational performance, equipment availability and reduce downtime.

