Standard Solar携手Pivot Energy再建5座科罗拉多州社区太阳能项目

发布于 2019年8月28日

Standard Solar Pivot Energy
Pivot Energy and Standard Solar have expanded their partnership to co-develop five more community solar sites across Colorado. The portfolio of projects, all ground mount arrays, will total approximately 8.9MW. The first two projects in the expanded portfolio will begin construction at the end of summer with all five expected to be completed by summer 2020.

Standard Solar will finance, own and maintain the community solar arrays that Pivot Energy will develop and construct.

"Community solar is currently the hottest segment of the solar industry, and we see unlimited opportunities for growth, especially through strong partnerships like the one we have with Pivot Energy," said Scott Wiater, president and CEO of Standard Solar. "We look forward to funding more opportunities in Colorado and nationwide with our in-house capital, making more projects – from 100kW to dozens of MWs – a reality."

Together, the projects are expected to produce 17,791,770kWh of energy annually. That translates to offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions from 2,671 passenger vehicles driven for one year and the CO2 emissions from 1,507 homes' energy use for one year.

"Pivot Energy is thrilled to partner with Standard Solar to bring more clean and affordable solar energy to residents, businesses, and communities in our home state," said Jon Sullivan, vice president of project development for Pivot Energy. "Pivot is committed to accelerating the country's transition to a clean and distributed electric grid. The projects and partnership we have built with Standard Solar represent us getting one step closer to achieving that commitment."

