Solectria Renewables为佛罗里达1.2兆瓦光伏系统提供商业逆变器

发布于 2013年2月4日

Solectria Renewables, LLC announced today that SolarOne Florida, LLC chose Solectria’s PVI 60-95KW inverters to power the 1.2MW solar PV installation at Fleamasters Market in Fort Myers, Florida.

Fleamasters Market is a 26 year old, 900,000 square foot retail sale property incorporating 1,000 retailers. Their electric bill averaged $300,000 annually prior to adding the 1.2MW rooftop array installation. Since the system was turned on, the system has reduced actual energy usage by nearly 90%.

“SolarOne Florida, LLC has created a unique financing model to assist commercial businesses, such as Fleamasters, to take advantage of solar, save electricity costs and benefit from federal tax credits and depreciation,” said Bob Montanaro, Southeast Regional Sales Manager, Solectria Renewables.

Annually, Fleamasters Market will produce 1,680,000kWh which is equivalent to removing 1125.6 tons of CO2, removing 136 cars, 116,041 gallons of gas, planting 840 trees or powering 14,383 light bulbs annually.

"Fleamasters sets an example for other commercial businesses to take advantage of the available Federal tax credits and accelerated depreciation while saving money and improving the environment. Without Solectria’s inverters and support, this project wouldn’t have turned out as successful as it did. Bob was a pleasure to work with and we’re looking forward to continuing our partnership with Solectria and introducing these products to other commercial businesses,” said Doug Griffin, CEO, SolarOne Florida, LLC.
来源: Business Wire

