
发布于 2020年12月9日

ZNShine Solar delivered the first 182mm module order from its Jintan manufacturing site to Vietnam.

The product delivered is a Light-Weight Double Glass half-cell module based on 182mm bifacial cell with 10BB and a power output of 530W. This product adopts advanced non-destructive cutting and high-density interconnection technology in the industry, which greatly reduces the risk of micro-cracks and later reliability in the module manufacturing process and improves the power generation efficiency of the module.

ZNShine Solar PV modules technology and production team continue to innovate and improve in product design and development, product reliability verification, supply chain screening, and other key activities to meet the market and customers’ needs.

ZNShine Solar has reached 12BB mass production technology and experience. MBB can greatly reduce the current collection path and improve the optical and electrical performance of the module.

The 530W module can significantly reduce the overall BOS cost. The module size is 2256x1133mm, which is perfectly compatible with 1p and 2P tracker.

The Double Glass with frame design ensures easier installation and an improved load performance (the static load test passed + 5400pa / – 2400pa).

来源: ZNShine

