Lightsource BP260兆瓦光伏项目投入商业运行

发布于 2021年1月19日

Lightsource BP
Lightsource bp today announced that its Impact Solar project, located in Lamar County, 120 miles northeast of Dallas, has successfully completed construction and entered full grid-connected commercial operation. Through a long-term agreement, bp will sell the energy generated by the 260-megawatt (MW) project. The project represents an investment of $250 million in the Texas region, with 320 workers on site during construction – 84% of which were local hires.

BP is aiming to be a net-zero company by 2050 or sooner. As part of the strategy, by 2030 bp plans to increase low carbon investments to around $5 billion a year. This includes developing around 50 gigawatts (GW) of net renewable energy generating capacity – a 20-fold increase on the 2.5GW to date.

Orlando Alvarez, bp's senior vice president, gas & power trading Americas, said: "The Impact Solar project in Texas is one of the many ways we are turning our net zero ambition into action. This is a great example of how we are increasing our low carbon investment while leveraging bp's expertise in the energy markets by trading the electricity generated from the project."

Generation from the 260 MW Impact Solar project will deliver clean, cost-effective energy for the equivalent of more than 41,000 homes in the Texas market. By providing this renewable power, lightsource bp is eliminating the carbon equivalent of emissions from over 68,000 fuel-burning cars.

Kevin Smith, CEO of the Americas, Lightsource bp: "This project in Texas is a great example of how our joint venture with bp is furthering our shared mission to accelerate the implementation of solar. Since bp's initial investment in the company in 2017 and our subsequent expansion into the U.S., the team has developed a pipeline of 8 gigawatts of large-scale solar projects at various stages of development in 20 states across the U.S. – with more than 2 gigawatts of executed power contracts representing almost $2 billion in near term projects."

Enhancing resilience of landowners and their land

Impact Solar is on land that is leased to Lightsource bp from local landowners, providing families with a diversified source of reliable income for 25 or more years, and helping keep the land in the family for generations. For many farmers, the revenue from leasing a portion of their land for solar as a new type of crop can help them continue with their farming business.

Gerald Cooper, landowner: "With ranching or farming, there's no guarantee of income. You make your own check out of dirt. With solar, you're guaranteed a check at the end of the year. I still enjoy farming, but solar has allowed me to enjoy it more because I don't have the dread of the market dropping or of drought, which has been our biggest challenge."

