Solar FlexRack为美国80兆瓦光伏项目供应跟踪器及支架系统

发布于 2021年8月3日

Solar FlexRack™ announced that it has supplied its solar trackers and mounting technology to Swinerton Renewable Energy (SRE), named the top U.S. EPC, for a total of 80 MW of distributed generation solar projects. Located in Connecticut, California and Illinois, SRE's latest 30 MW of projects will utilize Solar FlexRack's TDP 1.0 and TDP 2.0 Solar Trackers in eleven community solar projects and builds upon the prior 50 MW of completed solar projects between the two companies. Swinerton Renewable Energy will provide design, procurement and construction management on the portfolio and SOLV, Inc. will provide O&M services on the latest set of projects.

"Our SOLV Construction Management Services team is committed to building solar projects that provide maximum value for our clients, our partners and local communities, and our suppliers are critical in meeting this goal," said George Hershman, President of Swinerton Renewable Energy and SOLV, Inc. "Solar FlexRack's team helps de-risk projects through their reliable solar trackers, mounting systems and robust support services. We look forward to working closely with Solar FlexRack on this new set of projects."

In 2019, community solar projects in the U.S. exceeded 2 GW for the first time, and new community solar installations are set to reach 1 GW per year by 2021, according to Wood Mackenzie. In addition to bringing the benefits of clean energy to local communities, this set of distributed generation community solar projects will contribute to California's Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) of 60 percent by 2030, Connecticut's RPS of 40 percent by 2030, and Illinois' RPS of 25 percent by 2025. Solar FlexRack's single axis tracker systems were selected for these projects due to their versatility, land use optimization and ability to easily fit into smaller parcels.

"We're looking forward to working further with SOLV Construction Management Services to deliver clean energy access and cost savings to local utilities and their customers through these additional community solar projects," said Steve Daniel, Executive Vice President of Solar FlexRack. "We truly appreciate having long-term partners who share our dedication to completing high quality projects with maximum efficiency."

Construction of this additional 30 MW of solar projects is underway and these projects are expected to be complete in 2022. Once complete, the total 80 MW of joint solar projects between the two companies will produce enough energy to power nearly 60,000 homes per year and reduce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to removing 108,000 cars from the road. SRE and Solar FlexRack also anticipate an additional 20 MW of joint solar projects to be delivered in the coming year to eventually bring the size of the companies' joint projects completed to 100 MW.

