
发布于 2021年11月10日

A centralized and ground-mounted project of 2.5MW located at a desert area (Bahawalpur) of Pakistan was visited by Provincial Energy Manager, Syed Faizan Ali Shah.

Syed Faizan commended the performance of SOFAR 100KTL in the open areas due to higher Ingress Protection of IP66. SOFAR inverters curtail (de-rate) power in real-time as per the load requirement since power feedback to grid is not allowed in Pakistan in projects higher than 1MW.

There is real-time cloud-based monitoring as well as localized monitoring at the project site control room.

Weather Stations installed at the project site provide real-time ambient conditions monitoring.

Germany-based EPC of the project, DCH Solargiga showed great satisfaction on prompt response of SOFAR SOLAR local service team during Inverters installation and configuration.

Keeping in view the highly satisfactory performance of the mentioned project, Provincial Energy Department has approved several projects with SOFAR ON Grid and Hybrid Inverters to be executed in the coming months.

