ABC Solar Japan将与Suniva合作开发光伏系统

发布于 2013年4月15日

Suniva ABC Solar
April 12, 2013 - The US Embassy in Tokyo has selected ABC Solar Japan to provide expert leadership with solar integration services for research, design, automated documentation generation, application processing and submission for FIT revenue from the sunshine landing on every square meter of rooftop in the Central Tokyo complex, announced Tetsuro Nishida, ABC Solar Japan's President and Co-Founder.

"Partnering with American PV manufacturer Suniva, ABC Solar solidifies its leadership position as Japan's largest independent solar developer with thousands of PV panels installed at hundreds of sites," Nishida said in making the announcement. "ABC is helping Japan ‘Go Solar' starting with assisting the US Embassy to create energy from the sun that would otherwise go unused," Nishida said, "and we have another 96 Megawatts in our ‘Okinawa to Hokkaido' pipeline."

"Suniva is proud to partner with ABC Solar. Combining their deep PV system design and installation experience with our highest quality and high powered modules, both companies represent the best of American PV know-how," remarked Bryan Ashley, Chief Marketing Officer at Suniva. "It's fitting that the first project together in Japan is at the US Embassy compound in Tokyo, and we look forward to future collaboration," Ashley added.

"ABC Solar helped us create long-term value from our roofs," said Scott Clucas, Facilities Director at the US Embassy in Tokyo. "Our building's electrical usage and utility payments will be offset by income created from the sun's energy -- that is then sent to the Japanese electricity consumer," Clucas added.

The Embassy's system features 900 Suniva OPT265-60-4-100 mono-crystalline solar panels connected directly to the grid to generate energy from the sun that is sold directly to TEPCO via a power purchase agreement (PPA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) program. The entire system is expected to generate 321,100kWh each year, enough energy over 20 years to power 6500 Japanese homes.

"We are building with US-made products approved for use in Japan because delivering quality systems to our customers is our primary mission," said Dan LaMantia, Vice President and Co-Founder at ABC Solar. "We specified the Suniva panels primarily for the proven high quality of Suniva products," LaMantia continued, "and the backing of the company's 25-year performance warranty."

"As part of our commitment to the U.S. Embassy, ABC Solar will monitor the energy system, report on performance and maintain the solar panels regularly," LaMantia concluded.

