Soventix和SRU Solar售出在萨克森合建的7.32兆瓦光伏项目

发布于 2012年8月21日

SRU Solar Soventix

Soventix GmbH and SRU Solar AG have sold the jointly built Solar project Riethnordhausen in Saxony-Anhalt with a size of 7.32MWp. On a surface of 20 hectares, corresponding to approximately 30 soccer fields, the shared project company constructed a solar park.

The construction contains more than 33,000 polycrystalline modules from German producers.  Five Inverters of the Swiss brand Solarmax arrange for the effective conversion to alternating current.  Since connection to the grid in October 2011, the installation supplies some 2,400 households with solar electricity and saves around 6,200 tons of Carbon-Dioxide per year.

But the investment is profitable in many other ways: The solar park feeds in more than seven Million kWh of current into the local grid to the feed in tariff of 2011, namely 0,21€/kWh. This leads to yearly earnings of over 1.5 Million Euros - secure yields that can still be achieved years beyond the planning horizon of 20 years. Mostly, solar Installations last considerably longer, some easily produce current 20 to 30 years longer than the guarantee period without any costs. "A good investment, and a special benefit for the region", says Soventix project manager Theo Schmitz.

He is especially thankful for the confiding teamwork of all involved parties. "I am positively impressed by the exemplary cooperation with the local administration and the SRU Solar AG. The financing and selling process was executed professionally and smoothly. We are looking forward to further projects with SRU Solar."

Thorsten Preugschas, CEO of the Soventix GmbH, explains: "With this major project, we have once again been able to prove that Soventix and the Solar sector in general, creates solid, sustainable values. Solar installations offer opportunities for investments that are highly profitable and have only minor risk factors. Not to mention their relevance for the climate protection."

In other European countries, the project developer sees himself being challenged by a new defiance: "Against the background of the exorbitant sums of money, Spanish and Italian banks received from the euro bailout fund, you start to wonder why the financing of solar projects by banks has decreased so remarkably. You ask yourself the question, what the banks are doing with those billions of Euros at all. It remains to be seen if they learned from past mistakes and not use the support to fill holes in their balance sheets. Instead there is a variety of sustainable, profitable projects that consider environmental protection” accentuates Preugschas. "


来源: ENF

