
发布于 2013年7月8日

03.07.2013 - In Southern France, near Bordeaux in the department Gironde, juwi has commissioned its eleventh solar park in the country. "Mios 2" was built as an extension of the plant "Mios 1", that was connected to the grid in 2011. With a capacity of 10.5 megawatts (MW) "Mios 2" is even more powerful than "Mios 1", the capacity of both plants now is 19MW. The solar park is situated in a forest domain that was heavily damaged in the years 1999 and 2009. The domain can now be used in a new and useful way.

The solar park was built in the context of an engineering, procurement and construction contract (EPC contract) and was realized independently from the French call for tender system for PV plants. The call for tender system was launched by the French government in 2011 and is a major factor on the national market. The juwi group won four projects with a total output of 36MW. So far, the juwi group has installed nearly 50MW in PV in France, including four plants with a capacity of more than eight MW.

In 2012, PV plants with an output of 3.200MW existed in France. In the course of the year, 1.000MW will be installed. France plans to expand the capacities even up to 5.400MW in the year 2020. According to the national solar industry, even 20.000MW can be possible. The expansion of the solar sector is part of the French government's plan to reduce the percentage of nuclear energy to 50 percent in the national power mix. In 2011 this amount was still 78 percent, the fossil fuels’ amount was nine percent and the renewable energies' 13 percent.

In Kumamoto, on the Japanese island Kyushu, juwi recently connected the rooftop PV plant "Bear 2" to the grid. The plant consists of 4.088 solar modules and was erected within only four weeks. It has a capacity of 1MW and produces one million kilowatt hours (kWh) of clean energy per year. This is enough to supply 300 households. The plant was realized by the newly founded joint venture juwi Shizen Energy. The rooftop system is the second project of the joint venture. A first free-field photovoltaic plant with a capacity of 1MW was installed at the end of 2012.

来源: juwi

