
发布于 2013年8月29日

CSUN Day Energy EOOD
August 28, 2013 - CSUN and Day Energy announce that a 2.5MW solar park in project was recently completed and connected to the Romanian power grid.

The solar park was installed in 50 days and connected to Electrica's grid 35KM northwest of Bucharest. The system takes up 6ha of space and will provide 3.2TWh of electricity per year to the County of Dambovitsa. The solar park was accepted by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) and receives six Green Certificates out of which 4 can be traded immediately. The project uses more than 10,000 CSUN modules connected to Power One string inverters and Schneider Electric transformer stations.

In addition to turnkey provision of the solar park to the investor, Day Energy also took care of the grid connection and provides operation and maintenance as part of a two year operations guarantee.

Daniel Nikolov, responsible for turnkey developments and EPC at Day Energy underlines that "the 2.5MW solar park is part of a structured multiple portfolio deal, which Day Energy managed to sign due to its diversified strategy of cross-border partnerships and cooperation with strong suppliers such as CSUN. This allows us to differentiate our offering from other EPCs and turnkey providers, because we are able to provide a yield guarantee, which is an important factor for banks who expect great flexibility in providing bridge financing and expertise allowing to provide such guarantees."

William Sheng, Vice President Global Sales and CEO of CSUN's EMEA operations add: "For CSUN partnerships with company's such as Day Energy who have proven their excellence in realizing large photovoltaic projects are essential. Particularly Day Energy's cross border approach makes them an interesting customers, as they are able to provide the necessary expertise to other developing solar markets, e.g. in Turkey or in Africa."

来源: CSUN

