Cenergy Power开工建设加州1.1兆瓦光伏项目

发布于 2014年1月13日

Cenergy Power
Jan. 10, 2014 - Sundale Vineyards announced the ground-breaking of its 1.13 megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic system. Cenergy Power has been tasked with the engineering and installation of the large solar system which is currently being constructed over 4 acres of ground area directly south of the facility's cold storage and packing plants.

The solar system is engineered to supply power to Sundale's cold storage facility. Expected performance and attributes of Cenergy's solar system include: (i) production of nearly 1.7 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of clean energy annually, (ii) an estimated electricity bill offset of 91% for Sundale's cold storage facility, and (iii) a rapid 4 year simple payback on the investment.

"This solar project is a testament to our commitment to the environment and social responsibility," says Todd Kinosian, Owner of Sundale Vineyards. "Sundale firmly believes that environmentally-conscious agriculture practices are vital to the sustainable growth of the industry."

Over the next 25 years, Sundale's solar generation will save the facility an estimated +$5,700,000 in electricity costs and will be the carbon equivalent of preserving 24,000 acres of forests and removing 30,000 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.

In terms of selecting the right solar company for the project, Mr. Kinosian adds, "We interviewed a number of solar companies for this important project, and Cenergy Power's solar expertise and experience with large systems really made the decision easy for us."

