Innovative Solar Systems完成北卡罗来纳州200兆瓦光伏电站融资

发布于 2014年8月26日

August 25, 2014 - Innovative Solar Systems, LLC just announced that the company has obtained construction financing for just over 200MW's of the companies already approved and construction ready solar farms in North Carolina. Construction will start almost immediately on these projects states John Green, CEO for ISS. The company is very excited to have obtained construction financing for these projects and is now seeking credit worthy entities that would like to sign LOI's to secure the rights to buy and own these projects at COD.

The timing of everything on these latest utility-scale solar farms could not have happened any better states John Green of ISS. The company will be executing final interconnection agreements with the utility company as well as final purchase power agreements and is excited to be adding so much new capacity to the grid in North Carolina. 

ISS is proud to offer clients projects in the 20MW and above size that can be purchased at COD whereby the purchaser has to supply nothing upfront except an LOI indicating that the intent is for them to purchase a given project at a given price once the project is completed and ready for commissioning. Wealth Management, Hedge Funds, Equity Groups and Private as well as Institutional size investors seem to be more able and willing to purchase large solar farm projects when all of the guess work is taken out of the transaction and the purchase is being made at COD and at a not to exceed price. 

