sPower宣布与Camborne Capital合作开发收购英国兆瓦级光伏项目

发布于 2014年9月12日

Power (Sustainable Power Group) and Camborne today announced the formalization of a strategic collaboration agreement.

Together, sPower and Camborne intend to deploy significant capital under the UK's Renewables Obligation Certificate (ROC), the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) and Contract for Difference (CfD) programs.

"Camborne has been an active participant in the UK solar market, sharing sPower's commitment to demonstrating honesty and transparency in all business activities -- which made them a natural target partner for our expansion into northern European markets. The formation of the strategic alliance with Camborne allows us to capitalize on their position as a trusted development partner and to contribute further to the growth of renewables generation in the UK," said Ryan Creamer, CEO of sPower.

Declan Mackle, CEO of the Camborne Energy Group said, "We couldn't have asked for a better strategic partner than sPower. Their proven track record of success under seasoned and deeply-respected leadership, coupled with their aggressive and well-funded plan for gaining market share in the UK and North America, will mesh well with the foundation Camborne has laid." Mackle continued, "To say that we are optimistic about the possibilities would be an understatement."

