Solar Frontier拟为日本21.3兆瓦光伏项目供应组件

发布于 2014年9月18日

Solar Frontier
Solar Frontier announced today that it supplied 21.3MW of its CIS thin-film modules for megasolar (utility-scale) solar energy power plants in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. The power plant, which came on stream in July 2014, is owned and managed by US Power Co., Ltd.

The US Power Plant is expected to generate about 25,010,000kWh annually. This is equivalent to the amount of electricity used by about 6,900 households in Japan, and will reduce CO2 output by about 8,300 tons. The electricity generated at this facility will be sold to Chugoku Electric Power Company and has been approved for Japan's solar energy feed-in tariff program. 

