
发布于 2014年10月17日

韩华新能源有限公司 Ikaros Solar
Hanwha SolarOne Co., Ltd. has announced the completion of a 425kW delivery of solar modules to Belgium-based solar company Ikaros Solar. The modules have been installed at the Haute Senne Hospital in Soignies, Wallonia, Belgium. 

The available area consists of a mixture of flat and pitched roofs. Due to the technical complexity and tight timeline of the project, the hospital commissioned the experienced PV specialist company Ikaros Solar to carry out the planning and installation of the system. The completed installation covers an area exceeding 3,000 m2, and a total of 1,410 high-quality HSL72 solar modules are mounted on the hospital’s roofs. Expected annual energy output of the system is 344MWh, of which 95% will be consumed by the hospital directly. 

"With large rooftop areas available and electricity demand stable at a high level, the Haute Senne hospital was an ideal match for solar energy," said Yves Devis, CEO of Ikaros Solar. "The hospital will notice the positive effect on its electricity bill immediately – and for the next couple of decades. As often reported, the cost of electricity is generally expected to increase. By producing their own power, Haute Senne has secured a higher level of autonomy as well as improved predictability when it comes to expenses." 

"Owners of commercial and residential buildings are becoming increasingly aware of the advantages of a PV rooftop, and we see great potential in this segment," said Laurent Bodin, Director Sales France & Benelux of Hanwha SolarOne. "To meet the needs of our European customers, the HSL solar modules are distinguished by extended durability to withstand heavy snow and wind loads. Spending a lifetime outdoors can be tough, but our solar modules come well prepared. We look forward to equipping many more solar rooftops in the future."

来源: Hanwha SolarOne

