SolarWorld组件助力Hannah Solar佐治亚州12.5兆瓦光伏项目

发布于 2014年12月15日

SolarWorld Hannah Solar
SolarWorld announced that the company is rounding out nearly 18MW of solar-panel deliveries to enable Atlanta-based Hannah Solar develop solar projects in several state regions and dozens of projects, many on agricultural lands.

Hannah Solar will install about 12.5MW of SolarWorld solar panels this year. Hannah Solar's customers typically can look forward to watching their fuel-, noise- and emission-free systems pay for themselves in about six years, then produce 13 cents for each kWh produced for 20 years. In addition, many customers are using solar to offset their energy consumption as well.

"Farmers think of these projects as cash crops in which they no longer have to worry about the weather to generate an attractive return on their investment and a hedge against the ups and downs of their crops," said Pete Marte, president, chief executive and founder of Hannah Solar, which he named after his daughter upon its founding in 2007.

"After talking with people in the industry that had installed solar and looking at the financial numbers, we knew solar would be a great investment and fit for our operations," said Jaclyn Ford, a company co-owner and co-manager. "Solar is an excellent investment and good for our county and local community."

来源: SolarWorld

