三菱携手Nippon Paper完成建设德岛21兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2015年2月15日

Mitsubishi Electric
Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi Corporation are pleased to announce that they have completed, on schedule, the construction of the solar power generation facilities (capacity of approximately 21MW) on part of the land (approximately 250,000 m2) owned by Nippon Paper Industries in Komatsushima-shi, Tokushima Prefecture. 

Komatsushima-shi in Tokushima Prefecture has among the country's highest annual sunshine hours. The electricity to be generated is sold to Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc. under Japan's feed-in tariff (FIT) system, a renewable energy fixed price purchasing system.

Mitsubishi Corporation has developed mega-solar operations totaling 140MW in eight locations around Japan, and will remain focused on addressing issues such as the improvement of the energy self-sufficiency ratio and global warming through its renewable energy business.

